I had this dream last night that shook me up pretty good. I was at some kind of Bible study retreat, which is odd because I haven’t been to church since high school. Anyway, as we’re all leaving to get in our cars, I see these zoo animals loose—like, out in the open.

There were three lions just across the street, closing in on people, and then I see a tiger getting sedated. The scariest part? I was carrying my baby with me the whole time. All I could think about was how I had to protect my baby and myself.

I remember running with a group of people, trying to find rides, and we ended up in a McDonald’s playground to get up high. But even then, the animals started climbing up towards us. It felt so real and terrifying.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had this kind of dream, either. Every few years, I dream about zoo animals escaping, but this was the first time I had my baby with me, and I was at a Bible study. I can’t make sense of it—what do y’all think it could mean?

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Dream Interpreter Answered question 3 hours ago