For the past few days, I’ve been dreaming about this same house. At first, I was just looking at pictures of it online, like house listings. The first floor looked really basic—each room had a bed in the corner, a TV, and furniture that felt awkwardly placed. LED lights glowed pink, blue, or purple in every room. The vibe of the decor made it seem like only guys lived there, like no woman had ever stepped foot inside.

Last night, I finally got to visit the house in my dream. My friend Brandon and I went to check it out at night since we were planning to rent it. The outside was a white craftsman-style house, the kind you’d see in Michigan or Illinois, sitting on the corner of a street near a downtown area.

We went in through the side door, which led to what seemed like the living room. There was a TV on a strange stand, a bed with black and tan striped sheets in the corner, and a light blue LED strip on the ground. The room felt empty, though there were signs people lived there, like random stuff lying around and a light layer of dust.

The adjacent room had a big TV, a desk with nothing on it, and another bed in the corner under a window. Brandon mentioned, “Man, I wish our friend Mike was here,” and I agreed. Mike can be kind of an asshole, so we weren’t expecting him to come. Then, out of nowhere, Mike came downstairs from the second floor. That part of the house was pitch black, with no lights at all, and I couldn’t see or know anything about what was up there.

We asked him what he was doing, and he said he’d come by earlier to check the house out and had fallen asleep upstairs. After chatting for a bit, Brandon and I decided to go get some weed. As we were walking down the street, a young Black cop stopped us and asked if we felt safe enough in the neighborhood to lock our doors. I said, “Not really,” and he laughed, saying, “That’s what everyone else says.” Then he walked away, and Brandon and I kept going.

The rest of the dream is fuzzy and uneventful, but I’ve been thinking a lot about what it might mean.

I’ve read that recurring dreams about houses can symbolize changes or personal growth, and this house makes me feel curious and even comforted, so I don’t think it’s a bad sign. I also read that locked or hidden parts of a house can represent memories or emotions you haven’t fully dealt with. Since the second floor was completely unknown to me, maybe it has something to do with that.

I’ve been on a spiritual journey and working on myself a lot these past few years, so maybe it’s all connected. What do you think? If anyone has an interpretation or insight, I’d love to hear it!

Dream Interpreter Answered question January 16, 2025