last night, I had a bunch of back-to-back dreams, and they all featured this same little girl—she couldn’t have been more than 7 or 8 years old. I’m a light brown guy with curly black hair, but this girl was white with short blonde hair. She looked nothing like me, no one I’ve ever met, and definitely no one in my family. But the weirdest thing? Even now, hours after waking up, I feel this strange sense of familiarity with her. It’s not like déjà vu, where you think you’ve had a dream before; it’s more like I just know her, like she’s always been around. It’s unsettling, to be honest.

I kept waking up, then falling right back to sleep, and every time, she’d be there. She’d sit on my desk chair, and then she’d start telling me about the nightmare I was about to have, like she knew everything that was coming. I remember waking up all panicked, but I could only remember a split second of the nightmare. Then, we’d have this weird conversation, with her going on about random stuff. But the way she talked wasn’t like a kid at all—it was like a grown-up complaining about their 9-to-5 job, like the complaints of someone stuck in a routine life.

Sometimes, she’d even lecture me about things like failing school or messing up relationships. After a few of these dreams, the last one was even weirder. In it, I thought I was awake, and she was just a hallucination. But the crazy part? She knew she was a hallucination, and when I asked her to go to my mom’s room to see if my mom could see her, she said, “Of course she’s not going to.” I went to my mom’s room, and sure enough, my mom couldn’t see her, but she didn’t act surprised or freaked out at all. Then, I heard my alarm go off, and the little girl started to panic. I woke up for real this time and didn’t go back to sleep. So strange.

Dream Interpreter Answered question January 11, 2025