In this dream, I was in a confrontation with some guy, and we decided to fight it out. We walked around a neighborhood looking for a place to settle it, and after passing a big table with a bunch of kids, we found a spot surrounded by trees. But we agreed to keep moving and came across a steep hill. As I climbed it and reached the top, the ground immediately dropped and the other side was even steeper. I’m terrified of heights, so this freaked me out.

There was a long, skinny yellow slide to my left, but I didn’t go down it. The other guy hated heights too, so we slid back down and kept going. We eventually came across a wall made of large Lego bricks, and I tried climbing it. But just as I was doing that, someone grabbed my leg. I started laughing and having fun, and I noticed one of the Lego bricks was sticking out more than the others.

Then, I woke up. It felt weird and confusing. Any ideas what this could mean?

Oneirly Answered question January 10, 2025