So here’s the deal: when I was a teenager, I adopted this dog. Sweet at first, but things went south when it attacked two people. I had no clue about its issues when I got it, and it ended up being taken away. That was years ago, but last night I had a dream about a dog that reminded me of it.

I was at my grandma’s house—before she renovated it—and there was this big fluffy dog, white or tan. For some reason, I didn’t trust it. I just felt super anxious the whole time, like it was gonna do something bad, even though it never actually did. I kept it away from everyone, just in case.

I’m wondering if this dream is tied to what happened with my old dog, or if it’s something totally different. Life’s been good lately, aside from switching jobs a few months ago, which has been emotionally draining. Could the dream be about that? Or is it just random? What do you think?

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Dream Interpreter Answered question 7 hours ago