Over the last year, I’ve been having recurring dreams about traveling abroad, specifically heading to Tokyo. The details change every time, but the premise is always the same: I’m anxious about missing my flight, and sometimes I actually do miss it. This week alone, I’ve had two of these dreams, and the frequency has been increasing over the past few months.

In every dream, the anxiety feels incredibly real. It’s like a stress dream, and I wonder if it’s connected to my current circumstances. A quick search suggested that dreams like this could reflect dissatisfaction or frustration with where you are in life right now, which resonates with me to some extent.

I’m curious if others have similar dreams or thoughts about what this could mean. Could it be about missed opportunities? Or maybe something deeper, like feeling unprepared or blocked from achieving a goal? Tokyo might symbolize something specific to me—adventure, change, or even a personal aspiration. Whatever the case, these dreams seem to be asking for attention.

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Dream Interpreter Answered question 7 hours ago