Alright, so I’ve been having these wild dreams about flying lately. And get this—I’m not just flying on my own; I’ve got this colorful inflatable horse that I’m riding. It’s like something out of a kid’s imagination, but it’s so real in the dream.

In one dream, I’m flying all the way up to the roof of a condo building. I’m hopping from one roof to another, weaving through trees, and peeking into people’s balconies and windows. But here’s the thing—no one sees me. It’s like I’m invisible, just floating around, taking it all in.

In another dream, I’m floating around this huge, beautiful house—way nicer than my place in NYC. I sneak out the window before anyone wakes up, and the sky’s getting brighter, birds are chirping, and suddenly, I’m not in the city anymore. It’s like I’m in this picturesque countryside, maybe Japan or Switzerland, with lush landscapes everywhere. I’m flying around, but before someone spots me, I hide behind a big tree.

I don’t know what it all means, but man, I wish I could fly for real. It’s such a freeing feeling in the dreams.

Oneirly Changed status to publish 7 days ago